This may rub people the wrong way

but if you follow the entrepreneurship and VC twitter, and take everything they say about “having a stable job is bad”, “college education is useless (it is, but still)”, etc., at face value,

you’re legit gonna end up broke.

No matter which country you are in, remember that most of these VCs and entrepreneurs, barring a handful of exceptions had their major risks covered, had a cushion to fall back on, had backing from their parents, etc.

If you’re quoting someone as an anti-thesis they’re most likely an exception.

So remember: Exceptions can’t be Examples.

Your best bet is to consider yourself the average case and get a top quality college education (STEM of course, anything arts is useless today).

With enough effort, you can get top quality college education and the certificate and graduate debt free if you do it right and not be the dumbest. There are scholarships and there are assistantships/internships that will pay you enough to settle your loans.

If you pick a field which is basically useless and doesn’t have job prospects outside of becoming a professor for that subject in your own alma-mater, then you’re an idiot.

If you want to pursue something like that, pursue outside of college in your free time.

Get a degree. Get a job. Outside of the degree, get in-demand skills for secondary source of income.

Get the cashflow rolling. Be super frugal.

First 5 years, invest in additional cashflow sources - properties, business, etc.

Once the investments start paying off, compound the income by investing in dividend paying assets, and put together a portfolio.

Don’t make dumb depreciating purchases like a fancy gadget or a car or whatever.

If you do this right, you’re most likely going to be financially free before you hit 30.

If you are 30 now, you start now, and do these things, and you’ll hit FF in 10 years.

But, if you skip college degree, you will have absolutely NOTHING to fall back on. Most likely your parents will disown you (if you’re an Indian) or will get you 4 buffalos to shepherd around (that’s what my parents told me when I said I’m quitting college in 2nd year).

Be smart. Most of these VCs came from money, had top quality (sometimes even Ivy League) education, and had parents supporting them. Applicable to most successful entrepreneurs also.

Let’s be real. What led them there is not what they are advising us do.

Maybe they are propagating all this shitty advice because they don’t want competition at the top.

Just kidding. They may be well meaning, but most of the VCs and Entrepreneurs - at least the successful, live in a bubble.

They have absolutely no clue on what being you is like.

So, don’t take their word for it.

Go to school. Go to college. Get a job.

But while in school, work part time or do apprenticeship.

While in college, do internships and pursue a secondary skill (something you like, something that will pay once it reaches maturity).

Don’t be dumb enough to go to school and follow only what they say ; and go to college and only do the given assignments.

Go above and beyond and get deep into your focus area, and strive to become an expert.

That is another thing that most of the VC and Entrepreneurship twitter will lead you astray about.

They will shout loudly that “BE A GENERALIST”.

But don’t listen to them.

First go deep in something and become an expert at it. Then, you can widen your scope.

Being an expert in something will immediately put you on top of the payscale and will get the cash rolling.

Once that happens, you can then start acquiring skills horizontally and become a generalist in other things, and expert at this one thing you did deep work on.