Protip for life:

For 1 year, live like a saadhu.

Keep a budget of 1000-2000 max for your food and other expenses.

Try to find a way to live well under that. Walk if you can. Take government bus instead of auto.

Do things the hard way.

Eat two or one meal per day.


Once you do this, no matter where you go in life thereafter, you will always know that you can make it within 1000-2000 rupees per month, and you can survive with one meal a day.

This will give you confidence to take calculated risks that are otherwise shunned by normal people.

Once you do this, there’s no going back.

Living out of a backpack and surviving in one or two meals a day is definitely possible.But once you have done that, you will never be afraid to fail or lose everything.

The body that’s used to comforts will be afraid of losses.

The body that slept on floor and with mosquitoes singing lullabies, without a pillow or a mattress, or a human to hold on to - will not be afraid to lose anything. Coz it has seen the bareness of life.